Taoism is one of the main traditional Chinese philosophies. Tao means "the way." Either the way of your life journey or the path you choose to take. Taoism is an all in one philosophy that gives you a way to understand the connections between every living thing in this Universe. From beginning to the end. Taoist associate with the natural world. For those who follow the Tao, life's goal is to understand that reality and learn to live in harmony with it.
Taoist believe that the way to wisdom and living life to the fullest involves settling the mind and settling into deep stillness. Letting the ebb and flow of life happen. Taoist practice intensive spiritual meditations to understand the world and living a better life.
Many would automatically associate the yin-yang symbol with Taoism/Buddhism. We would assume that opposites are really just the other half of the same side of the coin. Even those there are many matched “opposites,” the other would not exist if not for the other. There is no light without dark, and there isn’t wet without dry; there is no sun without the moon. One is not better than the other or “this vs. that” the opposites do not actually oppose each other; they are just different. In Taoism, good and evil are just merely illusions.
Taoism is often said to be a major religion, but many that follow Taoism wouldn't’ consider being a follower of a “religion.” There has always been a great debate on whether Taoism or any other “religions” that are not Western culture are either religions or philosophy. The important thing to know is that in Chinese culture, there is no philosophical or religious Taoism. Taoism is just as it is “thy way of life.”
Religion VS Philosophy
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
The Proper Principles of Tao

Taoism is not considered a “religion,” there aren’t “rules” following Taoism. Nevertheless, there are what we would call core principals or proper principles to adhere to. While there are a handful of "proper principles" to become Tao (“the way”), we will go over some basic core principles that can guide one of Taoism to understand the oneness.
Before beginning to understand the principles, you must become an observer. Be clearly aware of the world around you. This includes deep contemplation, meditation, and physical observation. Taoism is a nature-based philosophy and the energies that keep everything in order. Let us take a closer look at the Yin-Yang order.
Yin-Yang Order
The Yin-Yang symbol represents everything in the universe and the universe itself.

*Yin-Yang also includes the four cycles of the seasons
What is Yin?
Passive- restive and receptive
Intuitive- an inner sense of understanding of life and its nuances
Creative- builds up and motivates yang energy
Dark- an expression of yin energy
Cold- with darkness brings cold
Moon- phases of the moon and movement effects
Soft- making it flexible and capable of giving
Stillness- downward movement yin becomes quiet and still
Downward movement- energy moves down in preparation of building up of energy transformation into rising yang energy
What is Yang?
Male- Together with yin is a complete balance
Active- powerful energetic energy of creation
Logical- Resonates with the mind that tunes the creative mind
Enlightenment- yang energy motivates and inspires the understand and reach enlightenment
Bright- illuminates the dark
Sun- movement of the sun affects the Yang energy on Earth
Light- following the dark as night turns into day
Creation- Yang energy is movement and moves forth with aggressive energy
Dominance- Yang dominates in its strength and massive forces
Upward Movement- a product of yin energy, yang energy moves upwards and expands
Yin-Yang means harmony and balance. Taoist principles say forces of everything in the universe are in constant motion. As movement continues, each force moderately changes into one another, the cycle of all energy. By practicing and experiencing the proper principles, one becomes a superior person or higher self. To lack or ignore these principles, one gives in to their inferior self, lower self.
The Proper Principles
1. The Observer
Create an inter-connected connection with the Earth and all that is in it. By observing nature, becoming aware of the elements and living things, you can begin to feel the rhythm of life. Note that all four elements, air, water, earth, and fire, are dependent on one another to create the inter connected balance.
To become the observer, you take on the element of water. Water is passive; it ebbs and flows. Water doesn’t resist; however, it can still be a mighty force that creates currents in life. Everything can flow through water. Water can be action without actual action.
2. Actualize Being the Observer
Bring all life into a harmonious and balanced energy. To achieve this, while observing the ebb and flow of life, you must remember to do so without preconceived ideas without the preconditions of early development or conditioning. Be open to learning and experiencing these new principles. For example, you are an alien that just landed on this planet that you have no previous knowledge about. How you will observe the things that happen here are open and actually experienced.
3. Awareness of the Cycles of Life
The day and night are a 24 cycle process of the sun and moon. The four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall, are the life cycles of nature. Birth and death are the cycles of all living things: human, animals, and plants.
4. Harmony- A natural state of Being
Balancing between being passive and aggressive. You’re all thing and nothing. You must actualize the true meaning of oneness to achieve harmony.
5. Humility- Truly Appreciating Others
Recognizing that all people have value and are worthy is when you gain true humility. Showing genuine respect to those that serve as mentors and teacher, you’ll achieve a level of modesty. Remember to realize that we all can learn from each other and that every occurrence in life is a lesson, that’s humility.
6. Balance
One should learn not to overindulge in excessive living and at the same time not to live a life of lack. Live in moderation. Do not become too greedy but do no deprive yourself of what is deserving and worthy of you having.
7. Healthy Living
Living a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t only be just a principle but an act of respect. Think of your body as a well of spiritual energy. Practicing mediation is an essential key to getting into the spiritual well of light and energy.
8. Reverence for the Ancestors
This is a pivotal principle. The disciplined remembrance and honoring those that came before us aids us in understanding the life and death cycle. Recognize what our ancestors gave to life for us to be here now. At the same time, don’t forget to care for them before and after they have transitioned is very important.